Say Good-Bye to Summer Sun Damage

As skin cancer becomes more prevalent, the days when tanning oil was a summer staple and people bragged about their tans or how many hours they spent in the sun are beginning to end. We know now that chronic sun exposure without adequate protection can lead to irregular brown spots, red discolorations or increase your risk of developing skin cancer. However, if you’re still in love with getting plenty of sunshine, you’re not alone.

The good news is Dr. Bradley S. Bloom uses the latest techniques and treatments to help his patients reduce and eliminate sun damage. Dr. Bloom offers a wide range of laser therapies, including the innovative combination of Sciton Halo laser with Broadband Light (BBL) to effectively reverse the effects of sun damage.

Halo is a hybrid laser that delivers non-ablative (1470 nm) and ablative (2940 nm) wavelengths to the treated area but has significantly less downtime compared to other ablative lasers. When used to treat sun damage, Halo can dramatically improve the skin’s texture and tone. While Broadband Light uses light energy to deliver marked improvement for brown spots or facial redness. When used together, Dr. Bloom can provide dramatic improvement for:

If you’re suffering from sun damage, contact us today for a consultation. Dr. Bloom customizes each patient’s treatment plan along with creating a follow-up long-term protection plan to keep the patient’s skin looking healthy and radiant.


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